Super Mario 64 Singlestar

14 total records 1
[RT / IGT] SL - Snowman's Land 100 Coins03/20/2025
Parsee beat the real time record and the best IGT with a 49"63 (-01"45) and 41"60 (-01"73) on 1.3!
The previous real time record was 51"08 by Parsee. (Achieved: 5 days ago)
The previous best IGT was 43"33 by Parsee. (Achieved: 0 days ago)
Parsee beat the best IGT with a 43"33 (-00"07) on 1.3!
The previous best IGT was 43"40 by Parsee. (Achieved: 5 days ago)
[RT / IGT] SL - Snowman's Land 100 Coins03/15/2025
Parsee beat the real time record and the best IGT with a 51"08 (-06"79) and 43"40 (-06"73) on 1.3!
The previous real time record was 57"87 by Parsee. (Achieved: 289 days ago)
The previous best IGT was 50"13 by Parsee. (Achieved: 289 days ago)
[RT / IGT] SL - Snowman's Land 100 Coins05/30/2024
Parsee beat the real time record and the best IGT with a 57"87 (-01"30) and 50"13 (-00"20) on 1.3!
The previous real time record was 59"17 by anti. (Achieved: 1780 days ago)
The previous best IGT was 50"33 by anti. (Achieved: 1780 days ago)
[RT / IGT] SL - Snowman's Land 100 Coins07/16/2019
anti beat the real time record and the best IGT with a 59"17 (-14"88) and 50"33 (-10"90) on 1.3!
The previous real time record was 1'14"05 by Liam. (Achieved: 32 days ago)
The previous best IGT was 1'01"23 by FrostyZako. (Achieved: 525 days ago)
Liam beat the real time record with a 1'14"05 (-13"07) on 1.3!
The previous real time record was 1'27"12 by turara32767. (Achieved: 1273 days ago)
FrostyZako beat the best IGT with a 1'01"23 (-22"33) on 1.0!
The previous best IGT was 1'23"56 by turara32767. (Achieved: 780 days ago)
[RT / IGT] SL - Snowman's Land 100 Coins12/19/2015
turara32767 beat the real time record and the best IGT with a 1'27"12 (-08"57) and 1'23"56 (-12"13) on 1.0!
The previous real time record was 1'35"69 by atmpas. (Achieved: 1082 days ago)
The previous best IGT was 1'35"69 by atmpas. (Achieved: 1082 days ago)
[RT / IGT] SL - Snowman's Land 100 Coins01/01/2013
atmpas beat the real time record and the best IGT with a 1'35"69 (-02"24) and 1'35"69 (-02"24) on 1.0!
The previous real time record was 1'37"93 by Honey. (Achieved: 339 days ago)
The previous best IGT was 1'37"93 by Honey. (Achieved: 339 days ago)
* The exact date is unknown. (xx/xx/2013)
The IGT is filled in with the real time as a placeholder.
[RT / IGT] SL - Snowman's Land 100 Coins01/28/2012
Honey beat the real time record and the best IGT with a 1'37"93 (-00"03) and 1'37"93 (-00"03) on 1.0!
The previous real time record was 1'37"96 by Nero. (Achieved: 0 days ago)
The previous best IGT was 1'37"96 by Nero. (Achieved: 0 days ago)
* The IGT is filled in with the real time as a placeholder.
[RT / IGT] SL - Snowman's Land 100 Coins01/28/2012
Nero beat the real time record and the best IGT with a 1'37"96 (-03"23) and 1'37"96 (-03"20) on 1.0!
The previous real time record was 1'41"1x by Honey. (Achieved: 0 days ago)
The previous best IGT was 1'41"1x by Honey. (Achieved: 0 days ago)
[RT / IGT] SL - Snowman's Land 100 Coins01/28/2012
Honey beat the real time record and the best IGT with a 1'41"1x (-8'18"80) and 1'41"1x (-09"20) on 1.0!
The previous real time record was 9'59"99 by SM64 Birthday. (Achieved: 5697 days ago)
The previous best IGT was 1'50"3x by hanoji. (Achieved: 726 days ago)
* The IGT is filled in with the real time as a placeholder.
hanoji beat the best IGT with a 1'50"3x (-10"90) on 1.0!
The previous best IGT was 2'01"26 by hanoji. (Achieved: 5 days ago)
hanoji beat the best IGT with a 2'01"26 (-7'58"73) on 1.0!
The previous best IGT was 9'59"99 by SM64 Birthday. (Achieved: 4966 days ago)
14 total records 1