16 total records

NyZ beat the real time record and the best IGT with a 16"75 (-01"00) and 16"46 (-00"90) on

The previous real time record was 17"75 by turara32767. (Achieved: 111 days ago)
The previous best IGT was 17"36 by Lyfey. (Achieved: 1359 days ago)

turara32767 beat the real time record with a 17"75 (-00"36) on

The previous real time record was 18"11 by Xiah. (Achieved: 827 days ago)

Akira beat the real time record with a 18"35 (-00"10) on

The previous real time record was 18"45 by Gana. (Achieved: 193 days ago)
* https://web.archive.org/web/20230205034812/https://twitter.com/Meltylots/status/349886876737474562
The IGT is filled in with the real time as a placeholder.
The IGT is filled in with the real time as a placeholder.

atmpas beat the real time record with a 18"75 (-00"60) on

The previous real time record was 19"35 by atmpas. (Achieved: 74 days ago)
* https://web.archive.org/web/20230222003849/https://twitter.com/neu1899/status/232591709157076994
The IGT is filled in with the real time as a placeholder.
The IGT is filled in with the real time as a placeholder.

atmpas beat the real time record with a 19"35 (-9'40"64) on

The previous real time record was 9'59"99 by SM64 Birthday. (Achieved: 5815 days ago)
* https://web.archive.org/web/20130417055425/http://sm64.rakurakuhp.net:80/u_,i_656793,Pn_12.htm
The IGT is filled in with the real time as a placeholder.
The IGT is filled in with the real time as a placeholder.

Erivan beat the best IGT with a 19"6x (-9'40"33) on

The previous best IGT was 9'59"99 by SM64 Birthday. (Achieved: 4528 days ago)
* The IGT is filled in with the real time as a placeholder.
16 total records