Super Mario 64 Singlestar

18 total records 1
[RT / IGT] DDD - Collect the Caps...01/15/2025
GiBoss beat the real time record and the best IGT with a 39"28 (-00"37) and 39"23 (-00"37) on 1.3!
The previous real time record was 39"65 by GiBoss. (Achieved: 0 days ago)
The previous best IGT was 39"60 by GiBoss. (Achieved: 0 days ago)
[RT / IGT] DDD - Collect the Caps...01/15/2025
GiBoss beat the real time record and the best IGT with a 39"65 (-00"13) and 39"60 (-00"13) on 1.3!
The previous real time record was 39"78 by GiBoss. (Achieved: 926 days ago)
The previous best IGT was 39"73 by GiBoss. (Achieved: 926 days ago)
[RT / IGT] DDD - Collect the Caps...07/04/2022
GiBoss beat the real time record and the best IGT with a 39"78 (-00"07) and 39"73 (-00"07) on 1.3!
The previous real time record was 39"85 by GiBoss. (Achieved: 0 days ago)
The previous best IGT was 39"80 by GiBoss. (Achieved: 0 days ago)
[RT / IGT] DDD - Collect the Caps...07/04/2022
GiBoss beat the real time record and the best IGT with a 39"85 (-00"10) and 39"80 (-00"10) on 1.3!
The previous real time record was 39"95 by Goldrush. (Achieved: 103 days ago)
The previous best IGT was 39"90 by Goldrush. (Achieved: 103 days ago)
[RT / IGT] DDD - Collect the Caps...03/23/2022
Goldrush beat the real time record and the best IGT with a 39"95 (-00"40) and 39"90 (-00"40) on 1.3!
The previous real time record was 40"35 by atmpas. (Achieved: 168 days ago)
The previous best IGT was 40"30 by atmpas. (Achieved: 168 days ago)
[RT / IGT] DDD - Collect the Caps...10/06/2021
atmpas beat the real time record and the best IGT with a 40"35 (-00"35) and 40"30 (-00"33) on 1.3!
The previous real time record was 40"70 by Weegee. (Achieved: 3 days ago)
The previous best IGT was 40"63 by Weegee. (Achieved: 3 days ago)
[RT / IGT] DDD - Collect the Caps...10/03/2021
Weegee beat the real time record and the best IGT with a 40"70 (-00"25) and 40"63 (-00"27) on 1.3!
The previous real time record was 40"95 by Kally. (Achieved: 0 days ago)
The previous best IGT was 40"90 by Kally. (Achieved: 0 days ago)
[RT / IGT] DDD - Collect the Caps...10/03/2021
Kally beat the real time record and the best IGT with a 40"95 (-00"57) and 40"90 (-00"56) on 1.3!
The previous real time record was 41"52 by Kally. (Achieved: 0 days ago)
The previous best IGT was 41"46 by Kally. (Achieved: 0 days ago)
[RT / IGT] DDD - Collect the Caps...10/03/2021
Kally beat the real time record and the best IGT with a 41"52 (-00"27) and 41"46 (-00"27) on 1.3!
The previous real time record was 41"79 by Liam. (Achieved: 881 days ago)
The previous best IGT was 41"73 by Liam. (Achieved: 881 days ago)
[RT / IGT] DDD - Collect the Caps...05/06/2019
Liam beat the real time record and the best IGT with a 41"79 (-00"13) and 41"73 (-00"13) on 1.0!
The previous real time record was 41"92 by Drogie. (Achieved: 684 days ago)
The previous best IGT was 41"86 by Drogie. (Achieved: 684 days ago)
[RT / IGT] DDD - Collect the Caps...06/21/2017
Drogie beat the real time record and the best IGT with a 41"92 (-00"52) and 41"86 (-00"58) on 1.0!
The previous real time record was 42"44 by Honey. (Achieved: 1534 days ago)
The previous best IGT was 42"44 by Honey. (Achieved: 1534 days ago)
[RT / IGT] DDD - Collect the Caps...04/09/2013
Honey beat the real time record and the best IGT with a 42"44 (-00"06) and 42"44 (-00"06) on 1.0!
The previous real time record was 42"50 by atmpas. (Achieved: 71 days ago)
The previous best IGT was 42"50 by atmpas. (Achieved: 71 days ago)
* The IGT is filled in with the real time as a placeholder.
[RT / IGT] DDD - Collect the Caps...01/28/2013
atmpas beat the real time record and the best IGT with a 42"50 (-00"69) and 42"50 (-00"26) on 1.0!
The previous real time record was 43"1x by atmpas. (Achieved: 288 days ago)
The previous best IGT was 42"76 by Devin. (Achieved: 895 days ago)
[RT] DDD - Collect the Caps...04/15/2012
atmpas beat the real time record with a 43"1x (-01"20) on 1.0!
The previous real time record was 44"3x by ShadowOfMyles. (Achieved: 1548 days ago)
[IGT] DDD - Collect the Caps...08/17/2010
Devin beat the best IGT with a 42"76 (-00"10) on 1.0!
The previous best IGT was 42"8x by No-NamE. (Achieved: 259 days ago)
[IGT] DDD - Collect the Caps...12/01/2009
No-NamE beat the best IGT with a 42"8x (-01"50) on 1.0!
The previous best IGT was 44"3x by ShadowOfMyles. (Achieved: 682 days ago)
[RT / IGT] DDD - Collect the Caps...01/19/2008
ShadowOfMyles beat the real time record and the best IGT with a 44"3x (-01"30) and 44"3x (-01"30) on 1.0!
The previous real time record was 45"6x by ShadowOfMyles. (Achieved: 334 days ago)
The previous best IGT was 45"6x by ShadowOfMyles. (Achieved: 334 days ago)
* The IGT is filled in with the real time as a placeholder.
[RT / IGT] DDD - Collect the Caps...02/19/2007
ShadowOfMyles beat the real time record and the best IGT with a 45"6x (-9'14"30) and 45"6x (-9'14"33) on 1.0!
The previous real time record was 9'59"99 by SM64 Birthday. (Achieved: 3893 days ago)
The previous best IGT was 9'59"99 by SM64 Birthday. (Achieved: 3893 days ago)
* The IGT is filled in with the real time as a placeholder.
18 total records 1