Super Mario 64 Singlestar

21 total records 1
[RT / IGT] DDD - Through the Jet Stream01/15/2025
GiBoss beat the real time record and the best IGT with a 32"91 (-00"10) and 32"86 (-00"10) on 1.3!
The previous real time record was 33"01 by GiBoss. (Achieved: 0 days ago)
The previous best IGT was 32"96 by GiBoss. (Achieved: 0 days ago)
[RT / IGT] DDD - Through the Jet Stream01/15/2025
GiBoss beat the real time record and the best IGT with a 33"01 (-00"03) and 32"96 (-00"04) on 1.3!
The previous real time record was 33"04 by GiBoss. (Achieved: 0 days ago)
The previous best IGT was 33"00 by GiBoss. (Achieved: 0 days ago)
[RT / IGT] DDD - Through the Jet Stream01/15/2025
GiBoss beat the real time record and the best IGT with a 33"04 (-00"30) and 33"00 (-00"30) on 1.3!
The previous real time record was 33"34 by GiBoss. (Achieved: 927 days ago)
The previous best IGT was 33"30 by GiBoss. (Achieved: 927 days ago)
[RT / IGT] DDD - Through the Jet Stream07/03/2022
GiBoss beat the real time record and the best IGT with a 33"34 (-00"04) and 33"30 (-00"03) on 1.3!
The previous real time record was 33"38 by GiBoss. (Achieved: 4 days ago)
The previous best IGT was 33"33 by GiBoss. (Achieved: 4 days ago)
[RT / IGT] DDD - Through the Jet Stream06/29/2022
GiBoss beat the real time record and the best IGT with a 33"38 (-00"03) and 33"33 (-00"03) on 1.3!
The previous real time record was 33"41 by GiBoss. (Achieved: 0 days ago)
The previous best IGT was 33"36 by GiBoss. (Achieved: 0 days ago)
[RT / IGT] DDD - Through the Jet Stream06/29/2022
GiBoss beat the real time record and the best IGT with a 33"41 (-00"04) and 33"36 (-00"04) on 1.3!
The previous real time record was 33"45 by GiBoss. (Achieved: 0 days ago)
The previous best IGT was 33"40 by GiBoss. (Achieved: 0 days ago)
[RT / IGT] DDD - Through the Jet Stream06/29/2022
GiBoss beat the real time record and the best IGT with a 33"45 (-00"03) and 33"40 (-00"03) on 1.3!
The previous real time record was 33"48 by GiBoss. (Achieved: 1 day ago)
The previous best IGT was 33"43 by GiBoss. (Achieved: 1 day ago)
[RT / IGT] DDD - Through the Jet Stream06/28/2022
GiBoss beat the real time record and the best IGT with a 33"48 (-00"03) and 33"43 (-00"03) on 1.3!
The previous real time record was 33"51 by GiBoss. (Achieved: 0 days ago)
The previous best IGT was 33"46 by GiBoss. (Achieved: 0 days ago)
[RT / IGT] DDD - Through the Jet Stream06/28/2022
GiBoss beat the real time record and the best IGT with a 33"51 (-00"17) and 33"46 (-00"17) on 1.3!
The previous real time record was 33"68 by Weegee and GiBoss. (First achieved: 267 days ago)
The previous best IGT was 33"63 by Weegee and GiBoss. (First achieved: 267 days ago)
[RT / IGT] DDD - Through the Jet Stream06/27/2022
GiBoss tied the real time record and the best IGT with a 33"68 and 33"63 on 1.3!
Weegee and GiBoss currently hold the real time record. (First achieved: 266 days ago)
Weegee and GiBoss currently hold the best IGT. (First achieved: 266 days ago)
[RT / IGT] DDD - Through the Jet Stream10/04/2021
Weegee beat the real time record and the best IGT with a 33"68 (-01"65) and 33"63 (-01"60) on 1.3!
The previous real time record was 35"33 by Xoofey. (Achieved: 1 day ago)
The previous best IGT was 35"23 by Xoofey. (Achieved: 1 day ago)
[RT / IGT] DDD - Through the Jet Stream10/03/2021
Xoofey beat the real time record and the best IGT with a 35"33 (-00"03) and 35"23 (-00"07) on 1.3!
The previous real time record was 35"36 by Liam. (Achieved: 841 days ago)
The previous best IGT was 35"30 by Liam. (Achieved: 841 days ago)
[RT / IGT] DDD - Through the Jet Stream06/15/2019
Liam beat the real time record and the best IGT with a 35"36 (-00"12) and 35"30 (-00"13) on 1.0!
The previous real time record was 35"48 by Liam. (Achieved: 110 days ago)
The previous best IGT was 35"43 by Drogie and Liam. (First achieved: 697 days ago)
[RT / IGT] DDD - Through the Jet Stream02/25/2019
Liam beat the real time record and tied the best IGT with a 35"48 (-00"02) and 35"43 on 1.0!
The previous real time record was 35"50 by Drogie. (Achieved: 587 days ago)
Drogie and Liam currently hold the best IGT. (First achieved: 587 days ago)
[RT / IGT] DDD - Through the Jet Stream07/18/2017
Drogie beat the real time record and the best IGT with a 35"50 (-00"23) and 35"43 (-00"13) on 1.0!
The previous real time record was 35"73 by toastrider91. (Achieved: 426 days ago)
The previous best IGT was 35"56 by toastrider91. (Achieved: 426 days ago)
[RT / IGT] DDD - Through the Jet Stream05/18/2016
toastrider91 beat the real time record and the best IGT with a 35"73 (-01"10) and 35"56 (-01"27) on 1.0!
The previous real time record was 36"83 by atmpas. (Achieved: 999 days ago)
The previous best IGT was 36"83 by atmpas. (Achieved: 999 days ago)
[RT / IGT] DDD - Through the Jet Stream08/23/2013
atmpas beat the real time record and the best IGT with a 36"83 (-00"04) and 36"83 (-00"04) on 1.0!
The previous real time record was 36"87 by Honey. (Achieved: 151 days ago)
The previous best IGT was 36"87 by Honey. (Achieved: 151 days ago)
* The IGT is filled in with the real time as a placeholder.
[RT / IGT] DDD - Through the Jet Stream03/25/2013
Honey beat the real time record and the best IGT with a 36"87 (-01"32) and 36"87 (+00"61) on 1.0!
The previous real time record was 38"1x by ShadowOfMyles. (Achieved: 1785 days ago)
The previous best IGT was 36"2x by Batora. (Achieved: 1140 days ago)
* The IGT is filled in with the real time as a placeholder.
Batora beat the best IGT with a 36"2x (-01"50) on 1.0!
The previous best IGT was 37"7x by Batora. (Achieved: 2 days ago)
* 36"23 or 26 IGT
Batora beat the best IGT with a 37"7x (-00"40) on 1.0!
The previous best IGT was 38"1x by ShadowOfMyles. (Achieved: 643 days ago)
[RT / IGT] DDD - Through the Jet Stream05/05/2008
ShadowOfMyles beat the real time record and the best IGT with a 38"1x (-9'21"80) and 38"1x (-9'21"83) on 1.0!
The previous real time record was 9'59"99 by SM64 Birthday. (Achieved: 4334 days ago)
The previous best IGT was 9'59"99 by SM64 Birthday. (Achieved: 4334 days ago)
* The IGT is filled in with the real time as a placeholder.
21 total records 1