Super Mario 64 Singlestar

18 total records 1
[RT / IGT] BBH - Seek the 8 Red Coins01/23/2022
PYTH0N beat the real time record and the best IGT with a 51"81 (-00"09) and 50"80 (-00"06) on 1.3!
The previous real time record was 51"90 by toastrider91. (Achieved: 1821 days ago)
The previous best IGT was 50"86 by toastrider91 and PYTH0N. (First achieved: 1821 days ago)
[IGT] BBH - Seek the 8 Red Coins01/09/2022
PYTH0N tied the best IGT with a 50"86 on 1.3!
toastrider91 and PYTH0N currently hold the best IGT. (First achieved: 1807 days ago)
[RT / IGT] BBH - Seek the 8 Red Coins01/28/2017
toastrider91 beat the real time record and the best IGT with a 51"90 (-00"68) and 50"86 (-01"72) on 1.3!
The previous real time record was 52"58 by why. (Achieved: 1419 days ago)
The previous best IGT was 52"58 by why. (Achieved: 1419 days ago)
[RT / IGT] BBH - Seek the 8 Red Coins03/11/2013
why beat the real time record and the best IGT with a 52"58 (-00"23) and 52"58 (-00"23) on 1.0!
The previous real time record was 52"81 by why. (Achieved: 307 days ago)
The previous best IGT was 52"81 by why. (Achieved: 307 days ago)
* The IGT is filled in with the real time as a placeholder.
[RT / IGT] BBH - Seek the 8 Red Coins05/08/2012
why beat the real time record and the best IGT with a 52"81 (-00"27) and 52"81 (-00"27) on 1.0!
The previous real time record was 53"08 by why. (Achieved: 38 days ago)
The previous best IGT was 53"08 by why. (Achieved: 38 days ago)
* The IGT is filled in with the real time as a placeholder.
[RT / IGT] BBH - Seek the 8 Red Coins03/31/2012
why beat the real time record and the best IGT with a 53"08 (-00"70) and 53"08 (-00"70) on 1.0!
The previous real time record was 53"78 by why. (Achieved: 209 days ago)
The previous best IGT was 53"78 by why. (Achieved: 209 days ago)
* The IGT is filled in with the real time as a placeholder.
[RT / IGT] BBH - Seek the 8 Red Coins09/04/2011
why beat the real time record and the best IGT with a 53"78 (-00"51) and 53"78 (+01"28) on 1.0!
The previous real time record was 54"2x by Honey. (Achieved: 12 days ago)
The previous best IGT was 52"50 by Honey. (Achieved: 12 days ago)
* The IGT is filled in with the real time as a placeholder.
[RT / IGT] BBH - Seek the 8 Red Coins08/23/2011
Honey beat the real time record and the best IGT with a 54"2x (-00"70) and 52"50 (-00"36) on 1.0!
The previous real time record was 54"xx by why. (Achieved: 1 day ago)
The previous best IGT was 52"8x by why. (Achieved: 503 days ago)
why beat the real time record with a 54"xx (+00"10) on 1.0!
The previous real time record was 54"8x by Honey. (Achieved: 0 days ago)
* The IGT is filled in with the real time as a placeholder.
Honey beat the real time record with a 54"8x (-00"26) on 1.0!
The previous real time record was 55"15 by why. (Achieved: 0 days ago)
* The IGT is filled in with the real time as a placeholder.
why beat the real time record with a 55"15 (-9'04"84) on 1.0!
The previous real time record was 9'59"99 by SM64 Birthday. (Achieved: 5538 days ago)
* The IGT is filled in with the real time as a placeholder.
[IGT] BBH - Seek the 8 Red Coins04/07/2010
why beat the best IGT with a 52"8x (-00"10) on 1.0!
The previous best IGT was 52"9x by Honey. (Achieved: 28 days ago)
[IGT] BBH - Seek the 8 Red Coins03/10/2010
Honey beat the best IGT with a 52"9x (-01"20) on 1.0!
The previous best IGT was 54"1x by why. (Achieved: 1 day ago)
[IGT] BBH - Seek the 8 Red Coins03/09/2010
why beat the best IGT with a 54"1x (-00"10) on 1.0!
The previous best IGT was 54"2x by Batora. (Achieved: 32 days ago)
[IGT] BBH - Seek the 8 Red Coins02/05/2010
Batora beat the best IGT with a 54"2x (-01"90) on 1.0!
The previous best IGT was 56"1x by Tabosan. (Achieved: 57 days ago)
* 54"23 or 26 IGT
[IGT] BBH - Seek the 8 Red Coins12/10/2009
Tabosan beat the best IGT with a 56"1x (-01"70) on 1.0!
The previous best IGT was 57"8x by Erivan. (Achieved: 379 days ago)
[IGT] BBH - Seek the 8 Red Coins11/26/2008
Erivan beat the best IGT with a 57"8x (-07"02) on 1.0!
The previous best IGT was 1'04"88 by EnNopp112. (Achieved: 269 days ago)
[IGT] BBH - Seek the 8 Red Coins03/02/2008
EnNopp112 beat the best IGT with a 1'04"88 (-8'55"11) on 1.0!
The previous best IGT was 9'59"99 by SM64 Birthday. (Achieved: 4270 days ago)
18 total records 1