Super Mario 64 Singlestar

Player: Thiago Trujillo
Best Real Time: 4 (4 unique stars)
Best IGT: 4 (4 unique stars)
Date Stage / Star Real Time IGT Version Platform
01/01/2010 (WDW) Quick Race Through Downtown! 45"xx 45"xx


N64 The exact date is unknown. (xx/xx/20xx)
The IGT is filled in with the real time as a placeholder.
01/01/2007 (WF) To the Top of the Fortress 16"4x 16"4x


N64 The exact date is unknown. (xx/xx/2007)
The IGT is filled in with the real time as a placeholder.
01/01/2007 (BoB) Footrace with Koopa the Quick 1'19"6x 1'19"6x


N64 The exact date is unknown. (xx/xx/2007-2008)
The IGT is filled in with the real time as a placeholder.
01/01/2006 (BoB) Shoot to the Island in the Sky 20"3x 20"3x


N64 The exact date is unknown. (xx/xx/2006)
The IGT is filled in with the real time as a placeholder.